Album Covers

Album Covers

Monday, 27 June 2016

Types of music video

Types of music videos

1) Performance Music Video
- Focused on movement
- Dance, musicians, singing, choreography
- Fit with the music
> Amplify
> Illustrate
> Contradict

2) Narrative Music Video
- Focused on Storyline
- Fit with the music or the lyrics:
> Amplify
> Illustrate
> Contradict
> Something Irrelevant

3) Concept (abstract) Music Videos
- Focused on an idea
- Abstract

Case Study introductions

Similar to the AS Thriller production, throughout the course, i will be publishing independent research and case studies for the media area. I will be posting 4-6 case studies of real music videos, with at least one being British and linking generically to the band i am promoting.

Case Study 1)
Media Language:

Analysis of music video focusing on media language and referencing appropriate aspects of Goodwin's theory of music videos

Case study 2)

Explore and focus on how genre is utilised in aspects of mise-en-scene. Which props/costumes/locations are common in different music genres? How is this different between genres?

Case Study 3)

Discuss the purpose and appeal of aspects of the narrative structure. For example, match on action, flashbacks, montage, split screen, performance combined with back story.

Case Study 4)

Discuss the ways aspects of mise-en-scene represents gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cultural/ regional identity, status and youth.

Case Study 5)


  •  Identify 1-2 music videos and research target audience. Think about researching social networking     sites, user comments on YouTube, official fan websites etc,
  • Explain how the audience can identify with aspects of mise-en-scene, for example, performers, costumes, aspects of popular culture, strong inter textual references genre etc.

Extension Task - Independent research into the music industry

  • The Norwich/local music scene - researching unsigned British bands in Norwich, to include performance, venues, problems of getting signed, messages and values in music. How they represent aspects of contemporary Britain. Or researching the ups and downs of a local unsigned band
  • Women in the Music industry
  • Researching aspects of summer music festivals - audience, performance, ratio of British bands to bands from elsewhere, representation of gender and race in play lists. 
  • The importance of radio in the promotion of new British artists/ bands? - This could include researching radio schedules and listening to radio programmes that focus on unsigned artists. information could focus on the ratio of male and female artists from ethnic minorities and genres. also quotes from DJs would be useful to support/ illustrate points

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Potential British Artists to Use

Artist: Kevin East
Song: Promise Land
- Catchy Riff
- Upbeat, energetic feel
- Varied instruments

- Repetitive, little change in struture, texture or volume, making the song less appealing to the audience
- No distinctive sections - this would make it difficult for our music video to have a clear narrative.

 Artist: Mealla
Song: Make My Day
Length: 4:19

- Introduction of different instruments
- Catchy, entertaining and uplifting
- Varied sections, experimenting in dynamics and texture
- Clear song structure

- perhaps the song is a bit repetitive and loses the interest of the listener towards the end.

Artist: Soham De
Song: By your side
Length: 4:55

- Very moving and emotive
- Lyrics have a clear messge that would be easy and fulfilling to explore and develop in a music

- very little variation throughout the song
- No introduction of new instruments and/or clear sections to the song
- Rather long, for one the music video would be challenging to produce for this long of a song but also the listener/ watcher may become lose interest towards the end.

 Artist: Fine Isles 
Song: By Your Side
Length: 4:55

- Uses lots of instruments to create a unique sound and feel to the song
- This Song would be right at place when used for a narrative music video which is what we're focusing on producing

- Again, little variation and repetitive
- Lack of different sections

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Previous Students exemplar work - Digipak & Magazine Advertisement

Below are some inspiring examples of the Digipak and Magazine advertisments produced by previous students


1) Finbarr Pine

Artist: Phoebe York

2) Meg Garratt       

Artist: Natasha North

Magazine Advertisement

1) Elizabeth King

Artist: The Skanx

2) Jacob Harrey
Artist: Elle Mary & The Bad Men

Previous students exemplar work - Music Videos

Below are a few examples of Music Videos from previous students that will act as inspiration for my productions as well as aiding the meeting of the brief.

1) Jacob Harrey & Tom Stanners

Artist: Elle Mary & The Bad Men
Song: Rose

2) Aaron Atilla

Artist: I Am Project
Song: I Am Blessed

3) Jessica Doran

Artist: The Piratones
Song: Forest of Sin

A2 Media - G324 Advanced Production Brief

The brief for our A2 production (G322: Advanced Production) is to produce a promotional package for the release of an album for an unsigned British band or Artist. Features of the promotional package will include:

- A promotional music video
-  Cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
- A magazine advertisement to promote the digipak.

The written content within the course, to be uploaded onto my blog, includes researching and planning a video production, research and planning print productions and research into potential target audiences, focusing on how audiences consume music and popular culture. The music video itself will be a 2-4 minute product, accompanied by a (minimum of) 4 panel digipak and an A4 size advertisement for a magazine, promoting the band/artist/digipak. Finally, I will upload a 4 question evaluation reviewing my final products, using a variety of electronic platforms to present and exhibit my responses.


Hi! I'm Isaac Winterburn and welcome to my A2 Media Blog. Enjoy!